The 1953 Kingman UFO Crash: Area 51, Alien Encounters, and Government Secrets Unveiled
Yucca Flat Nuclear Test and the Mysterious UFO Sighting
Yucca Flat, Nevada, May 19, 1953. At 5.05 AM, one of a series of nuclear tests under the umbrella codenamed Upshot Knothole is set off. Within moments of the explosion, a disk-shaped object is observed swiftly descending from the sky, moving south toward Las Vegas, then vanishing into the mountains. Just two days after this event, government officials secretly gathered a team of scientists for a curious assignment. They were to investigate the crash of an unidentified flying object on the outskirts of Kingman, Arizona, a city 175 miles south of the nuclear test site.
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Michael Schbatt: There were 40 engineers that boarded a bus, and they took a long 3 and 1⁄2 hour ride from Phoenix to Kingman. When they got there, it was nighttime. There were MPs on all corners of the craft. It's about a 40-foot diameter disk-shaped craft that was perfectly intact. There wasn't a scratch on it. There were four entities linked with this vessel, and they transported it to Groom Lake.
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Nuclear Test and UFO Sighting |
Richard Dolan: Groom Lake is the Area 51 region in Nevada. When Area 51 was just in its infancy, they relocated the vessel and the extraterrestrials to that site in the middle of the Nevada Desert because it was so isolated. And around that, they built Area 51.
Hidden within a ring of mountains deep in the Nevada Desert, Area 51 is a top-secret military installation that has long been rumored to hold evidence of alien technology. And there are even accounts that a specialized facility at Area 51 once contained a survivor of the 1953 Kingman UFO crash, an alien being known as J-Rod.
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1953 Kingman UFO crash |
Presron Dennett: J-Rod is an alien who allegedly worked at Area 51 over a period of years. And it was J-Rod's mission or duty to help reverse engineer technology that was apparently from the 1953 Kingman UFO crash. J-Rod was one of the crash survivors and worked directly with our own government.
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Captain Bill Ewhouse, a former Navy aviator who later worked for the US Air Force conducting experimental trials on aircraft, was assigned to Area 51 in the mid-1960s. And he claims that he not only studied the craft that allegedly crashed in Kingman, Arizona, but also had direct contact with J-Rod.
Bill Uhouse: We had a long period of introduction into meeting, you know, an alien. And I called him J-Rod. That's the name that the linguist gave him. And he'd talk. He would talk, but he'd sound just like if you spoke, he'd sound like you. You know, he's like one of the parrot, you know. But he'd attempt to respond to your inquiry, you know. Essentially, it was only engineering counsel or scientific advice.
Presron Dennett: There's also another whistleblower by the name of Dan Burish. And Dan Burish said that he was hired as a microbiologist to basically care for J-Rod, ensuring that he remained healthy. And this continued for years and years and years.
According to Dan Burish and Bill Ewhouse, J-Rod was housed in a special underground chamber at Area 51. And there have been numerous other accounts of extraterrestrials working with the United States government.
Alejandro Rojas: There's a lot of stories that we've worked with the aliens at Area 51 or, some say, at a base nearby, kind of in the desert out there. And we've been working with them in underground labs. And they have been sharing information for us to enhance our technologies.
Is it possible that the United States government has met with and worked with entities like J-Rod and other alien visitors since at least the 1950s? According to UFO researchers, there is evidence that extraterrestrials have not only been held at secret military bases but have even met face-to-face with the commander-in-chief inside the walls of the Pentagon.