Unveiling Antarctica: Ancient Mysteries of McMurdo Station, Extraterrestrial Theories, and the Secrets Beneath the Ice

Unveiling Antarctica: Ancient Mysteries of McMurdo Station, Extraterrestrial Theories, and the Secrets Beneath the Ice, Possible Ancient Civilizations

Mysteries of McMurdo Station: Extraterrestrial Theories and Ancient Discoveries in Antarctica

McMurdo Station and Artica, located on the southern peninsula of Ross Island. This is the largest research facility on the continent. It was opened by the US government in 1956 and houses up to as many as 1,200 residents at a time. In January of 2015, a US Navy flight engineer who served with the Antarctic Development Squadron at McMurdo for 14 years came forward to investigate reporter Linda Moulton Howe, with bizarre accounts of his time in Antarctica.

Watch The Report In The Video Below: 

Exploring the History and Significance of McMurdo Station

Linda Moulton Howe:  In January of 2015, I got an email from a retired naval flight engineer. He's asked me to call him only Brian in the world public. And this is what he told me from about 1983 to when he retired from the Navy in 1997. He was in all kinds of what they call Antarctic Squadron expedition missions that included rescuing people in and out of various places. Then all these trips, nothing of a high strangeness had occurred, and then all of a sudden it was one thing after another. During a squadron mission in the Transatlantic Mountains, the whole crew saw a whole bunch of silver darting objects, and they are round and he says they're doing the strangest thing. They're going like, to this peak in a group, to this peak in a group, to this peak in a group, and then they'd all take off. And not only did this happen once, it happened over and over.

McMurdo Station
McMurdo Station

Bizarre Mysteries and Anomalies Reported by Former Navy Flight Engineer

According to the source, this was just one of many strange mysteries on the continent that he observed during his time there.

Linda Moulton Howe:  They get an assignment not long after. There's a medical emergency. They are now under the gun. The clock is ticking, and a decision was made. They're going through the no-fly zone because it's a medical emergency. And what do they see? In the ice, like a huge entrance to a cave but slanted going down. And he said, I think it was at least 200 feet in diameter, a large opening in the ice. And he said, our instruments are not operating. We were losing electricity. We had magnetic anomalies. And we concluded there's something about this hole that is now causing these problems. They do their medical recovery. And the next thing they know, they're all being chewed out by men in suits that are not from McMurdo. They appear to be from Washington, DC. And as he said, they told us that we are never, ever to fly over that hole. And we are never to discuss it again. What is that about? And does that have anything to do with all these other pieces that keep appearing, that there might be something archaeological in Antarctica?

Ancient Pyramids and Extraterrestrial Theories in Antarctica

According to ancient astronaut theorists, this was not the first time a massive hole has been spotted in the ice of Antarctica. Renowned polar explorer Admiral Richard Byrd allegedly reported seeing a massive entrance to an underground world during his 1947 journey to the South Pole.

Admiral Richard Byrd's Alleged Discovery of an Underground World

David Childress:  Admiral Byrd made a lot of unusual statements, allegedly talking about a large opening at the South Pole that went deep inside the Earth, ice-free, and was inhabited by various sorts of aliens. And when Byrd returned to the United States, he was brought back to Washington where he was interrogated very heavily about his statements. And allegedly, he was told to stop talking about this. You have to wonder, is the South Pole some kind of extraterrestrial entry zone, some kind of portal that's so crucial that it has to be controlled by the military?

Read More:

1. Mystery Of Area 51

2. Mystery Of Maya

Possible Ancient Civilizations and Pyramids Hidden Under Antarctic Ice

While it may seem unimaginable that pyramids could exist in Antarctica, in recent years, archaeologists have found pyramids all over the world that had been lost for centuries, mistaken as natural formations, or hidden in the most unlikely places. They have been found in the plains of Northern Peru, buried beneath dirt and debris in Indonesia, and one may even exist in Los Angeles, California.

Andrew Collins:  All the way around the world, we find evidence of pyramid structures. We should start looking at the possibility that there was habitation on Antarctica. Was it a lost civilization? Could it be ancient astronauts? And perhaps the earliest monuments of our own civilization originated from Antarctica.

The Impact of Melting Ice and Discoveries on Antarctica's Secrets

David Childress:  If this gigantic pyramid in Antarctica is an artificial structure, it would probably be the oldest pyramid on our planet. And in fact, it might be the master pyramid that all the other pyramids on planet Earth were designed to resemble.

Michael Salla:  Michael Salla: There has been extensive research done on pyramids throughout the world in terms of their structure and what they really are. And one of the theories is that pyramids are power generators. And so if you have these pyramids strategically positioned around the world generating this charge, it's possible to create a global standing wave around the world that is essentially a wireless transmission of energy.

Read More:

3. Ancient Indian Mysteries

4. Gilgamesh and Enkidu

Implications of Potential Extraterrestrial Activity in Antarctica

David Childress:  It's been theorized that ancient ships, extraterrestrials, and those with high technology, could use this interconnected wireless energy system to navigate around the planet. And it makes sense that if there was some kind of global pyramid power grid like this, that Antarctica would have pyramids as well.

UN:  The whole idea of these pyramidal structures, where did it come from? Because it's not an arbitrary thing. And these structures, they exist worldwide. So what was the impetus? What's the origin? And even more intriguing, did they originate on the Antarctic continent?

Edfu Temple Texts: Connections Between Ancient Egypt and Antarctica

Could the pyramid Joseph White claims to have found near the Shackleton mountain range and other pyramid-shaped formations recently photographed in Antarctica provide proof of extraterrestrial visitation to our planet in the distant past? And if they are actually man-made structures, how is such a thing even possible in a place that has been buried beneath the ice for over 12 million years? According to ancient astronaut theorists, Antarctica may not have been a frozen landmass for as long as mainstream scientists suggest. And they say proof can be found by examining a 500-year-old map depicting the continent without any ice. East Antarctica, October 2015. Scientists at NASA announced that despite years of thinking otherwise, they are now finding that the ice in this region is actually growing, averaging 82 billion tons a year. Snowfall is currently adding ice to most of the continent. But at the same time, glaciers are rapidly melting along the coast of Western Antarctica. Researchers estimate that since 2009, as much as 60 cubic kilometers of ice, equivalent to 70,000 Empire State Buildings, is vanishing into the ocean each year. But why is the ice year melting when it is growing throughout much of the rest of the continent?

The Great Leaping One: Comet Memories or Extraterrestrial Attacks?

Andrew Collins: We see these dramatic images on television of the ice caps melting and collapsing into the sea. But it's actually only in some areas that the ice caps are actually melting. What's so strange is that through various factors that the ice in Antarctica might actually be growing and extending. And this is very strange.

David Wilcock: We can't dismiss the possibility that in some cases, there might be entire cities built underground that could even be actively maintained by extraterrestrials now, and that as those cities are powered up or expanded in size, that they are giving off some kind of heat. And that heat, in turn, is melting the ice above them.

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos:  If there are objects buried beneath the miles of ice in Antarctica, then that would imply it happened before the last ice age. So who knows what we'll find there? Remnants of a lost civilization, possibly even tools with which these civilizations were constructed.

William Henry: It's possible that beneath the ice lie keys for us to actually save ourselves and reclaim our ancient history.

David Wilcock:  We may end up in a situation where this can't be covered up anymore, where visible ruins, gigantic pyramids, gigantic obelisks start to peek through the ice. And at that point, it's game over. This can no longer be ignored.

George Noory: There's no doubt that under the ice of Antarctica, there could be extraterrestrial craft. There could be cities down there. Bottom line is, it will shock the entire belief system of humankind. It will just change everything we know.

What really lies beneath the ice and snow in Antarctica was this frozen continent once covered with lush vegetation, as well as pyramids that predate those in Egypt. And if extraterrestrials truly did inhabit Antarctica, could these otherworldly visitors still be hiding out there today? Today, Edfu, Egypt, located on the Western Bank of the Nile, the temple of Edfu is one of the largest and most well preserved temples of the ancient kingdom, dating back to 237 BC.

Robert Bauval: The Edfu temple is of tremendous importance

Robert Bauval:  The Edfu temple is of tremendous importance. As you enter the temple, it's like you're going inside the book. It's literally full of texts, every wall, every column, every room, every chamber is filled with texts. They're known collectively as the Edfu texts. What is very interesting is that the majority of the texts speak about the creation of the world.

According to the texts, the Earth was created by powerful gods who came down from the sky. And these gods first created a place known as the island of the egg.

Ramy Romany:  Two gods, they created an island in the middle of the eternal lake. Creation started with that island.

Robert Bauval:  The occupants of this so-called primordial mythical world, very strange creatures. There seems to be three groups of people. One called the sages, one called the builders, and the other called the Shepthiyu, nobody knows who they are. These are the ones that very mysterious, because they are said to emerge from the water. Then the Egyptians believed a series of gods came and built the first temples.

Andrew Collins:  It says that here the first temples were built. The first ones ever in the world. And these became the blueprint for every temple in Egypt.

Ramy Romany:  Once all the greater gods have done their job with creating the world, they would meet with their big bird and ascent to the sky. Ancient Egyptians believed with all other hearts that everything listed and inscribed on these walls. Are true, true, true. If the walls say there's an island in the middle of nowhere where gods would go and ascend to the sky, then ancient Egyptians, the devoted ones, would believe that island exists.

According to the Edfu texts, not all of the inhabitants left, and after many generations, the island faced a catastrophic fate.

Robert Bauval: The texts are very different as to what happens to the occupants

Robert Bauval:  The texts are very different as to what happens to the occupants, these strange gods. They seem to, once they have set the stage, once they have constructed the temples, hand over their work to the historical lineage. And then the part, we don't know where they go. There seems to be something very interesting here. There seems to be a war going on. The armies of these divinities is led by this falcon god, and he battles a kind of enemy represented by snake.

Andrew-Collins:  In the skies appeared what was known as the enemy snake. It had a name. It was called the Great Leaping One. And it was said that immediately it appeared there was a time of darkness. There was something flat that destroyed this sacred island. And when the waters receding, these original beings, who were known as the ancient ones or the elder ones, were now no longer there. Perhaps the Great Leaping One, this adversary serpent, was the memory of the comet that entered our inner solar system, fragmented, and caused devastation and destruction.

Might the account of this ancient catastrophe, inscribed on the walls of the Edfu temple, be describing a natural event, or was it a deliberate attack, an attack targeting anotherworldly civilization, existing on what we now know as the Antarctic continent?
