Ancient Indian Mysteries: Shivalingams, Vimanas, and Theories of Extraterrestrial Influence

Ancient Indian Mysteries: Shivalingams, Vimanas, and Theories of Extraterrestrial Influence, Shiva Lingam and Vimana in Indian history, Shivalingams,

Shivalingams, Vimanas, and Extraterrestrial Theories

SIRSI INDIA: 10 miles outside of this city in the southwestern state of Karnataka, within the river Chamala, is one of the country's most popular pilgrimage sites, Sahasra linga. Hidden under these waters for most of the year, lie stone sculptures known as shivalingams. These sacred idols are representations of the god Shiva, and are visible to thousands of pilgrims once a year at the festival of Mahasiva Ratri. Mahasiva Ratri is a festival where Shiva is worshiped for his great nature. Mahasiva Ratri is usually held in the end of February or beginning of March. During that month, the water level of the Salmala river drops down so that all the shivalingas are exposed. Shiva's depicted as the shivalinga, as kind of a spherical column, the flaming pillar that is the cosmic axis of the universe. Every shivaling of the tin worship is set into a yoni. This is a base, and it actually serves special of a utility of function. It's a spout that when you pour offerings over the surface of the linga, they wash over the sacred body. Images of the Shiva lingam (Statu of shiva symbol) are found throughout Southeast Asia to East Asia. Sometimes images of Shiva lingam also made its way into China to Japan. The shiva lingam first appeared over 2,000 years ago, and there is still debate over the shape originally as shiva or not. But ancient astronaut theorists suggest that the icon may represent an incredibly powerful technological device.

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Paris, France, 1900: At the Paris Congress of History of Religions, Swami Vivekananda, a scientist and monk credited with popularizing Hinduism in the West, gives a lecture addressing the meaning of the shivalingam. For centuries, Western scholars have assumed that the shivalinga has purely a sexual connotation. The cylinder is the male phallic symbol, and the yoni is the complementary female symbol. Then in 1900, the Hindu scholar Swami Vivekananda came to Paris to deliver a major lecture about Hinduism and symbolism. During this lecture, he said that the shivalinga actually symbolizes the coming in or going out of the divine manifesting energy of Shiva. It stands for energy, and it has often been misrepresented in the West that it is a phallic symbol of Shiva only but it is not that only. It is obviously a pillar, because linga means a pillar. Modern Hindu scholars have theorized that the shivalinga stone actually represents atomic energy. When we think about this idea of how it can be used for good,, what atomic energy can do, but it can be extraordinarily destructive, this certainly pertains to the mythology of Shiva and shiva lingam, that is chaotic energy, that is a force for incredible good, but also a force for incredible destruction. Is it possible that this symbol of Shiva's power actually represents atomic energy? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and suggest the proof can be found by examining this mysterious shape. The cylindrical structure of the shiva lingam is similar to a modern day nuclear reactor. And the groove that surrounds the base represents the structures built to dispose off the polluted water. From ancient times and even today, Hindus pour water or milk on top of Shiva linga as a ritual. Today we pour water over the top of nuclear reactor to cool it. And interestingly, most Shiva temples are always found near water sources like rivers or lakes, just like nuclear power plants. So is it possible that Shiva linga actually represents an ancient nuclear power plant? In the story of Shiva and the Shiva lingam were obviously dealing with some kind of a universal or cosmic power that we didn't fully understand until the twenty century with the discovery of nuclear fission and nuclear power. These discoveries that predate modern people are completely changing our conception of the ancient past age and connecting us to the true events of humanity all before the time of the flood.

Ancient Indian Mysteries: Shivalingams, Vimanas, and Theories
Shiva Tandava

1971 Eastern India: It was here at the Sanskrit College in Calcutta that Eric Van Daniken met with professor Dilip Kanjilal to study the Vedic Sanskrit, an ancient language used in religious Hindu texts. Professor Dilip Kanjilal has gone through old Indian texts and made modern versions of it. Now it comes out in the old books, the so-called gods, the used flying machines to travel from heaven to earth. According to the ancient Vedic texts of India, the gods descended from the sky in flying vehicles. They refer to those vehicles as Vimanas. There are very detailed descriptions of what these Vimanas looked like, how they traveled from place to place, what was necessary in order to pilot them. All those things are described in ancient Hindu texts. There are thousands of years old. And for Eric, he naturally felt that these Vimanas were real nuts and bolts, aircraft, and of course he sang, these are the vehicles of the ancient astronauts. When Mr. Eric first went to India, he visited a whole bunch of different places and he quickly came to the realization that India is a hidden treasure for the ancient theory because all over India we can find these magnificent temple towers that are referred to as stupas and also Vimanas. And so we have to ask ourselves where did the form for a stupa come from? Another great contribution of Eric is that he focused on India. Very few people had really analysied the ancient Indian civilization and society even though it is thousands of years old. What he saw there were structures which were alleged to have been replicas of Vimanas. So many Hindu temple in the Far East, they are representations in their architecture, what was going up in the sky. So the upper part of a Hindu temple often is seen as a flying object, as a Vimanas. And basically what we are being confronted with is the realization that these people built in stone objects which they seem to have seen in the sky. When we look at the most ancient records we have coming out of the Vedic texts in India, there are clear descriptions of aerial battles taking place. The Vimanas, so this really raise a question about our own cycle of ancient history. Is it completely linear or is it possible that we are just starting to rediscover ancient technology that did exist thousands of years ago? Ancient texts all over the world talk about flying vehicles, flying horses, people who could fly through the air. But it was Eric who really put it together that the gods weren't just flying around like Superman, they had to get into some kind of nuts and bolts craft. Just like we do, and go somewhere. And this was the chariots of the gods. Enoch tells us about the guardians of the sky who came down. He says they uncalled fallen angels and they wanted to have sex with humans. And the offspring of it were giants. So there were sexual contacts between extraterrestrials and the humans. What does this mean? Well, it's very simple. Eric van Danneken's interpretation was we are nothing else but hybrids of an extraterrestrial race that jump-started our civilization thousands and thousands of years ago. Varanasi, India, 500 miles south east of Delhi. Located on the banks of the Ganga, Varanasi is a oldest cities on earth, a city that according to legend was founded by the godes. Long known as a center of knowledge and learning, Varanasi was once home to an ancient physician by the name of Sushruta, who many historians credit with developing the art of surgery. In ancient India, the early physician was a guy named Sushruta. And he was a surgeon and physician who would do skin, brass, cataract, removals, even early plastic surgery on people. 

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So once again, we have someone whose medical knowledge seems so advanced for his time. Sushruta is also considered to be the first practitioner of Ayurveda, one of the oldest known systems of medicine in the world. According to Hindu legend, Sushruta is said to have received this knowledge from a god known as Danvantari. Danvantari was a high level god as we would know them, who provided all the information on this complete healing modality based on an understanding of the physical and subtle aspects of the body. And it was passed through to Indian culture in ancient times and has been preserved and expanded since then. Though he is most often depicted as having forearms and holding medicinal herbs, the god Danvantari was also a shapeshifter. According to legend, during his journey to earth, he could take on other forms, including that of a bird. Is it possible that both Danvantari and the half-man, half-bird Egyptian god of healing, and half were connected in some way? And if so, how? Whether it's Danvantari or Thoth, we learn of these extraterrestrial divinities very often being portrayed as bird-like beings who delivered the knowledge of ancient medicine to earth. This tells us that our original knowledge of human anatomy, medicine and how to heal the body came from outer planet sources. Sushuta was very clear in stating that he learned this knowledge from the gods, who were the gods, extraterrestrials. Every culture will tell you that the first surgeon, that medicine, that healing was a gift of the gods. That is extraordinarily interesting because it really shows that the benefit of mankind was accomplished through the intervention and the knowledge of the deities. San Augustine archaeological part in Columbia is located along the west bank of the Magdalena River, near a place where it converges with two other rivers. It is a location that ancient astronaut theorists believe has a startling and not accidental significance. They could have set up this site anywhere, but why did they choose San Augustine in Columbia?

In India, we have this place called Trivieni Sangamam, where three great rivers meet, and that site is chosen as a sacred site. We have a lot of temples in this place. Whoever came from India to here chose this place because this is where all these three rivers meet, and to find a place like this, you needed to have aerial survey. They were using the Bimanas, which is why they set up this ancient Chiva temple here. Vimanas, the extraterrestrial flying machines that are described in the Mahabharata, the ancient Hindu text, is impossible that Hindu explorers made the journey from India to South America and then settled in this region centuries ago. And could they have made that journey a distance of some 12,000 miles by means of a Vimanah? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and they believe that the answer to what compelled them to come there can be found by examining one of the ancient stone statues located in San Augustine, Archaeological Park.

This was the final statue that I wanted you to look at. Pretty curious, huh? Yeah. I don't know what to call this except a spaceman. You can see that he's wearing some kind of a helmet. It looks like he has a visor. He's got two rectangular eyes and a rectangular mouth. He has no nose. He's holding this what they call a power staff. But what's really interesting about that is he's holding that long and big cylinder. And if you look carefully, it's going even below his feet. He's using that cylinder to go into the ground. Now, this is very interesting because in Hindu culture, there's a god called Swarvna Kala Baidavu and he's a god of gold and he uses a tool called Kila and he uses it to go into the ground and mine gold. It could be a special probe that you can put in the ground and detect gold and minerals. So perhaps he is the extraterrestrial that is guiding them. A user spaceman in a spacesuit with his gold mining tools.
