Gary McKinnon: The Scottish Hacker Who Uncovered Alleged US Government Collaboration with Aliens
Gary McKinnon: The Scottish Hacker and His Astounding UFO Claims
London, England, March 19, 2002. Shortly after 8 a.m., the National High Tech Crime Unit reaches the residence of 36-year-old Scottish IT specialist Gary McKinnon. They are there to arrest him on behalf of the United States Justice Department for hacking into top secret computers at NASA and the Pentagon. McKinnon not only confesses to the offense, but asserts he discovered proof that the US administration was collaborating with alien beings.
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GARY MCKINNON: I was obsessed with UFOs. I was dying to find out the information. The internet was a real enabler for finding out information by going to places you shouldn't be in, because they were so open. There were a lot of text files that had lists of places, installations, military bases, air force bases, navy sites, NASA sites. So there was a lot to go through. But I did find a gold mine of information.
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According to McKinnon, he unearthed a secret US military program that existed entirely in space.
GARY-MCKINNON: I found the spreadsheet was actually titled in the column, non-terrestrial officers, as well as officers' names. It had his ship names. None of these were no-shumgoing ships. It was astounding. They're not navy. They're not in the army. And not even air force. So to me, I was thinking there must be an off-world space force or space fleet, at least.
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After McKinnon's arrest, he was told the US government intended to send him to 70 years in prison.
GARY-MCKINNON: At the time, I thought, the six-month community service was all you'd do for Computer Misuse Act in Britain. We fought extradition for 10 years, and we actually won the case. But unfortunately today, the arrest weren't still alive. And I'm still on the interpol, red lists, and so I can't travel.
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Could it be that Gary McKinnon's narrative of what he observed when he infiltrated computers at the Pentagon and NASA is authentic? Is the US government engaged in secret operations beyond Earth?
GEORGE KNAPP: I think Gary McKinnon is truthful, and that he did see files on secret space programs and UFO related material. Whether that information was legit or was just sitting there somewhere, we can't say. But there's no question that he did what he claimed to have done.
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While there are many who doubt the credibility of Gary McKinnon's narrative, other more distinguished individuals have since stepped forward with similar assertions. In 2013, former Canadian Minister of National Defense, Paul Hellyer, proclaimed that the United States government and other governments around the globe are cooperating with organized groups of extraterrestrials.
Alien Nation’s Host: Why do you say that UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying over our heads?
Paul Heliyer: Well, because I know that they are. And they've been visiting this world for millennia. And there is what is called a federation of these people.
Richard Dolan: Paul Helyier was a former Deputy Prime Minister and also a former Minister of Defense of Canada. He was able to speak to many influential individuals within the US and Canadian establishments and it was his opinion based on the sources that he had that there are many groups that are here visiting us.
Paul Heliyer is not the only government official to come forward with alleged knowledge of a federation of extraterrestrial races.
Paul Hynex: Recently, the former Israeli chief of space security, Jaime Eshad, came out and said that there is a galactic federation and that indeed many world leaders know of and are in discussions with representatives of the galactic federation. I don't know what to make. I don't know what to make of that claim. But when you have enough of them, a pattern emerges and it starts to take on a bit more gravitas in functioning as bona fide evidence.
David Childress: Dr.
Jaime Eshad claimed that the extraterrestrials in this galactic federation were
in contact with governments around the world. It's a fascinating idea. And one
that may well be true.Paul hellyer and Jaime Eshad
Should the sensational claims made by Paul hellyer and Jaime Eshad be believed that close encounters of the fifth kind are occurring at the highest levels of government around the world and with entire factions of extraterrestrial beings, ancient astronaut theorists say yes and argue that recent revelations from war and war that recent revelations from world leaders may be preparing mankind for a groundbreaking event.